Festival and Special Event Management book continues the comprehensive overview of the theory and procedures associated with festivals and special events established in previous editions. The new edition of this market-leading text introduces developments and professional tools, and considers the globalisation and subsequent internationalisation of event management.
The role of marketing and communication, environmental planning, the increasing role of governments through the creation of event strategies, and the different perspectives of event management are all discussed. This edition aims to embrace and extend the growing body of knowledge relating to event management by tracking many of the recent changes and developments in the field. This offers students a current, relevant textbook for their study and professional reference.
By Johnny Allen, William O’Toole, Robert Harris, Ian McDonnell.
ISBN: 978-1-742-16461-8.
EVENT MANAGEMENT BOOKS Event Training Australia is proud to announce the launch of the 6th edition of the text Festival and Special Event Management, 6th edition (2020). This new edition comes at a pivotal time, as the event industry faces its biggest challenge to date. The COVID-19 pandemic in the short term has shut down…
A new edition of Festival and Special Event Management (pictured), the first Australian text in the event management field, has been commissioned by John Wiley. This will be the 6th edition of this popular text which serves as the basis for Event Training Australia’s (www.eventtrainingaustralia.com.au) series of short courses and workshops in event management. In addition…